Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Firefox Sidebar Facebook chat

Earlier today we talked about Facebook integration in the latest PS3 3.10 firmware update. While we reached the Facebook topic, we thought maybe it was a good time to share a few Facebook tips, tricks and secrets with you. Read on for a top 5 of the coolesFacebook tips, tricks and secrets that will greatly enrich your Facebook experience.

1. Firefox Sidebar Facebook chat
If you are using the Facebook chat to IM various Facebook contacts, you might want to know that there is a quick and easy way to place the Facebook Chat in your Firefox browser.
To do that, you need to go Bookmark “” and check the “Load This Bookmark In Sidebar” box. Then, you should go to View->Sidebar->Bookmarks to open the sidebar bookmarks. Choose the page you bookmarked before and there you have it, the Facebook Chat is always in your sidebar, no matter what page you are currently browsing.

2. Download Facebook Photo Albums.
Downloading Facebook Photos or even entire Photo Albums is possible and can be done easily with a small and free Firefox extension called FreePad. Click here for all the info you need about the FreePad Firefox extension.
3. Bring Facebook Notifications To Your Dekstop
If you are looking for a way to bring all the Facebook Notifications to a single place so they are easier to manage, read our article here.
4. Upload Facebook Photos From Your Phone
I am sure that you found yourself at multiple occasions wanting to upload that snapshot you just took with your phone to Facebook. Unfortunately, chances are you did not know how to do that exactly. Our article here provides all the info you need about how to uploadFacebook Photos directly from your mobile phone.
5. Use A Mobile Facebook Client On Your Cellphone
If you are a hardcore Facebook user, you might already know that there are plenty of Facebook clients for mobile phones. If you are not a hardcore user, you can become one by installing your own Facebook mobile client.